Hats — Against The Day / Thomas Pynchon

Below is a list of all the mentions of hats in Against the Day (that I came across). Here are the types of hat mentioned with a rough count of how many times they were mentioned — Hat types: generic “hat” [144] (includes hatbrim, hatpin, hatless, etc.); stove pipe [1]; ostrich plume [3]; egret plume [2]; aigrette [2]; “plumed hat” [7]; “feathery hat” [1]; bowler [4]; fedora [2]; slouch [2]; helmet [7]; Napoleon hat [1]; top hat [6]; straw hat [8]; silk [3]; Doge hat and Cuffieta [1]; corno [1]; beaver [2]; stetson [2]; deerstalker [2]; sombrero [4]; miner’s cap [1]; hunting cap [1]; cap [8]; madcap (expression) [1]; Capwell’s (department store) [1]; velvet [3]; morning hat [2]; bandannas [2]; dicer [2]; high-hat (expression) [2] ; Medicine Hat (city) [1]; gondolier’s hat [1]; plug hat [1]; panama [3]; cowgirl/cowboy hat (3); toque (2); Parisian hat [1]; fur hat [2]; sable [1]; Tyrolean hat [1]; bad hat (expression) [1]; Yarmulke [1]; trilby [2]; borsalino [3]; “tall cooks’ hats” [1]; turban [1] ; fez [11]; headscarf (1); hood [3]; sailor hat [2]; homburg [1]; headdress [1].

list of headgear, hat matrix, hat function, hat operator, top-hat filter

* * *

[24]. Randolph tugged the brim of his hat a bit lower.

[29] … desperately preoccupied during the craft’s descent with keeping secured to his head a stovepipe hat whose dents, scars, and departures from the cylindrical spoke as eloquently as its outdated style of a long and adventuresome history.

[30] … where the functionary at the desk tipped a salute from a non-existent hat brim.

[31] No one had offered to take Professor Vanderjuices’s hat, so he held it in his lap, as an insecure young actor might a “prop”.

[32] Ray gathered his hat and stood.

[33] Couples in boutonnieres and ostrich-plume hats paraded self-composedly among the dwarf palms…

[34] The Professor was left to stare into the depths of his ancient hat, as if it were a vestiary expression of his present situation.

[37] Women in intimidating hats stared at him in revulsion.

[37] A close business associate followed, confronted, and publicly denounced him, knocking his hat off and kicking it into the middle of Clark Street, where it was run over by a beer wagon.

[42] A rolled umbrella dented a bowler hat, words were exchanged.

[42]”[…] portly gent in a slouch hat and a duster, why?”

[43] At White City Cinvestigations, invisibility was a sacred condition. whole darn floors of office buildings being given over to its art and science — resources for disguise that outdid any theatrical dressing room west of the Hudson, rows of commodes and mirrors extending into the distant shadows, acres of costumes, forests of hatracks bearing an entire Museum of Hat History, countless cabinets stuffed full of wigs […]

[51] […]Lew had moved into his own office, at whose doorsill functionaries of government and industry presently began to appear, having surrendered their hats in the outer office […].

[59] Detectives swaggered everywhere, their black stiff hats shining like warrior helmets of old.

[59] “Well, let’s do a check. crossed eyes, protruding tongue, Napoleon hat?”

[86] [Webb] found himself in the street wandering hatless and confused, colliding presently with the Reverend Moss Gatlin […]

[92] The kids grew up seeing Webb thrown out of places, more and more as time went on, often being right there with him, Frank especially, when it happened. Picking up his hat for him, helping him get vertical.

[94] Somehow he convinced himself that Webb possessed, if not exactly this power of instant justice, at least a secret life, in which, when night fell, he could put on, say, a trick hat and duster which would make him invisible […]

[106] [Mayva] was wearing her church hat.

[156] They were introduced officially by Foley Walker, who was wearing a sporting suit in some horse-blanket plaid of vibrant orange and indigo, and a top hat that matched, while [Scarsdale Vibe] was dressed more like a feed-company clerk from parts cosiderably south of here, and likely west as well. He also had on smoked “specs” and straw hat whose brim width unavoidably suggested disguise, with Irish pennants flying head to toe.

[162] Kit had wandered down to the stables, where he was presently joined by Dittany Vibe, her eyes sparkling from beneath the brim of an all-but-irresistible hat.

[171] Mounted figure in a black duster and hat, always still […] [The Kieselguhr Kid.]

[175] Lew began to find himself entertaining seductive daydreams about picking up some surrogate bomb, a chunk of ice or, better, a frozen pile of horse-droppings, to sling at the next silk hat he saw serenely borne along […]

[176] At first he was able to ride by with no more trouble than a nod and salute off his hatbrim […]

[178] More than once he ran into ragged groups of miners, some with deeply bruised or swelling faces, coatless, hatless, shoeless […]

[195] […] folks said that until you had seen those two snake’s eyes lit up so bright in the shadow of his hatbring, seroing in on you alone, why, you had not yet run into a really dedicated badman.

[200] “You, reefer, you don’t know your heart from your hatband.”

[207] They [Frank and Reef] sat together on the outside steps, holding their hats and fooling with the brims.

[207] Another spell of dark, brimrolling silence.

[211] [What the sheep in Jeshimon wear] […] with fleeces dyed in a variety of fashionable colors, including the perennial favorites aquamarine and mauve, or wearing items of feminine — not to mention masculine– attire (hats for some reason, being popular) […]

[212] “Hope you don’t meet the Governor. Keeps his hat on all the time, you can guess why, and is said to have a tail, too.”

[216] He happened at some point to look up the hillside and saw what he was pretty sure were elements of the Jimmy Drop gang up along the Tomboy Road with their hats off […]

[216] “Least you two’re wearing black hats,” she said, “that’s somethin.”

[217] When they heard the train coming up the valley, Frank took his hat and left the gun on the kitchen table.

[226] … A neophyte in the T.W.I.T. had come running in, face white as plaster, in his agitation forgetting to remove his hat, a mauve fedora.

[232] “Hours can be consumed,” she pretended to lament, “by hatpin issues alone.”

[233] […] Lew could be noticed hurrying from place to place, as if increasingly claimed by a higher argument — tensely vertical, favoring narrow black overcoats, slouch hats, and serviceable boots […]

[233] [Neville and Nigel were] reputed to have at least a thousand pounds a year, which it seemed they spent mostly on drugs and hats.

[248] Like his ancestors before him, he wore not only the classic Dog’es hat with its upturned point on the back but also the traditional cuffieta or linen cap underneath, which usually only he knew he had on, unless of course he chose to show it publicly to favored guests, such as the Chums at the moment, in fact.

[269] Sloat was partial to the color green, He kept showing up with these peculiar items, nearly always stolen from someplace, that he wanted her to ear, gauntlests, baby bonnets, men’s bicycle hose, hats trimmed and plain, didn’t matter lone as it was some shade of green.

[273] Over the next year, [Frank} went through a number of disguises, including mustaches, beards, haircuts from some of the city’s finest hotel barbers, but about all that stuck was a change of hat to something more narrow-brim and with the deepening color of passage down what seemed to him was becoming a long, embittered trail.

Ellemore Disco

[283] Not overall what you’d call a natty dresser, he concentrated his few dudish impulses on headgear, tending to fancy black beavers with smakeskin bands and a pencil roll to the brim, that you had to send to Denver for then wait a few months.

[283] The only people he was ever documented to’ve shot at were those who, either by word or deed, disrespected one of his hats […]

[283] Once […] while Ellmore was out taking a short piss break from a hitherto friends fame of Seven-Toed Pete, a frolicsome shift boss had thought to fill his Steston, trustingly left unattended, with jellied tutle consomme […]

[283-284] The prankster escaped into the open country at full express velocity, despite a flesh wound in the caboose and a couple of holes through the crown of his own hat, which seemed to’ve been a particular target of Ellmore’s wrath.

[284] Man having witnessed this tete-a-tete, at the next hat incident of course Ellmore was now obliged to behave the same way, if not a little worse.

[284] To strangers he was Ellmore the Evil, to friends an engaging enough customer despite these hat-related spells […]

[284] The store’s secret seemed to be in its wide range of goods and prices, so that on any one day you were apt to observe managerial folk in lacquered silk hats milling on the floor with down-and-outers in ancient wool widebrims, all shiny with grease and battered from the day, looking for just about anything –bowlers and deerstalkers, mantillas, lorgnettes […]

[286] Seemed everybody new him. Most were careful to compliment him on his choice of hat.

[287] Clerks and cashiers, birds of the night but newly risen, stockmen from down the valley, Mexican laborers streaked with brickdust, skinners waitinng for the train sat alongside Negro newsboys and wives in their best hats, all indiscriminately filling the benches […]

[287] […] pausing long enough to bestow Ellmore a kiss on the brow, which he scarcely had time to lift his hat for […]

[287] […] black cape billowing, hat down on her back, and the light of Heaven on her hair […]

[288] They lived up near the Tomboy mine, in a cabin uptrail from the mine tailings, but kept to themselves, not that too many even got to see them together, which no doubt encouraged a lot of romantic gas, even from those who hated Bob from hat to spurs bue had seen her at least, fatally, once, out on some one or other of those destinationless rides.

[290] There stood a diminuttive figure in a black hat, shirt, and gauntlets, Bob Meldrum unmistakably, with a mustache so wide Frank could swear its owner had to turn a little sideways to get through the doorway […]

[292] A group of men in enormous brand-new beaver sombreros had just entered the Cosmopolitan

[292] […] And issuing from his ears twin jets of steam superheated enough to threaten the careful roll of his hat brim.

[294] [Merle] took off his hat, slapped a dent into the top of it, replaced it.

[299] She found a canvas miner’s cap now, put it on, and headed for the door.

[299] He pushed across a matte-surface photograph of Webb Traverse, hat off, smoldering cigar in his teeth […]

[307] Well, there had been a spell where Merle too was seeing little people down in the stopes, some done up quite peculiarly indeed, unusual hats, military uniforms not of the U.S Army exactly, little pointed shoes and so forth […]

[312] Frank, staring deep into his hat, being to exhibit classic signs of melancholia and then some.

[313] Though it was far too late for any of this old news to matter to anybody but Frank, it didn’t keep him from skulking along through the insomnia town with his hat low on his eyebrows […]

[314] “As a Mex, maybe,” figured Ellmore Disco. “You’d need the right hat o’ course, and a mustache […]”

[315] Playing down the street at the Railbird Saloon just happened to be Gaston Villa and His Bughouse Bandoleros, a collection of itinerant musicians in white leather fringe jackets, spangled ‘Chaps,” and enormous face-hiding hats rimmed in cholo balls the colors of the spectrum running in order of wavelength.

End Ellmore Disco

[318] […] revealing Yale to be no more really than a sort of high-hat technical school learning to be a Yale Man […]

[337] The sidewalks were crowded with men in black suits and stark white high collars, in the tangible glare of noontide that came pusshing uptown, striking tall highlights from shiny top hats, projecting shadows that looked almost solid…. The woman by contrast were rigged out in lighter colors, ruffles, contrasting lapels, hats of velvet or straw full of artifical flowers and feathers and ribbons, broad angled brims throwing faces into girlish penumbras as becoming as paint and powder. A visitor from quite far away might almost have imagined two separate species having little to do, one with the other…

[340] Within a couple weeks, she had uptown visitors gaping from their tour charabancs in amazement, ladies from out of town clutching their hats, as if pins might fail in the duty assigned them.

[340] Sometimes he showed up in disguise, his idea of a common workman involving spats and bespoke neckties from London, though presently he reverted to type, the not perhaps adequately subdued shine off his aquamarine morning-hat indeed causing Dally herself to fluff a line or two, not that anyone noticed.

[341] Glans-penis-shaped helmets, dislodged, rolled in the gutters.

[344] […] Strangely often hats–notably the famous Dr. Ictibus and His Safe-Deflector Hat. This ingenious piece of headgear was invented to address the classic urban contingency of a heavy steel safe falling from a broken purchase at a high window onto the head of some unlucky pedestrian.

[345] “Interested? Does Lillian Russell wear a hat?”

[347] There on the other side of that hypnotic Deep and the arpeggiations ascending out of it stood a figure in Lady-shopper’s streetwear in a violet and gray check, the egret plume on her hat articulating sensitive as a hand […]

[358] “[…]up in that Ritz Hotel, kids in cylindrical hats bringing you whatever you desire day or night–[…]”

[366] […] Reef unlatched his waterproof, folded it into a rough sort of sled, climbed onto it, grabbed hold of his hat, and trying hard not scream, slid up and over the edge […]

[369] After a bit, shrugging, he approached a smiling young woman in an amazing plumed hat and asked her to dance.

[376] […] some watching empty-handed the train’s simple passage, “expressionless,” as gringos liked to say, beneath their hatbrims, waiting […]

[376] They were approached by purveyors of chewing gum, sunglasses, straw hats, fire opals, and shockingly young women […]

[384] He looked out the windows and saw, riding escort, a couple dozen men who looked to be under some oath of sobriety as to personal display – shaven upper lips, modest hatbrims no charro’d be caught dead in […]

[386] “Old compinche – say, you look different somehow. Wait, don’t tell me. The hat?”

[389] After the crack, and a second of stillness, down on the valley floor a tiny mounted figure went lunging backward in the saddle, trying to grab the sombrero that had just forcefully depart from its head. [Also: “sombrerete” on 388.’]

[390] There were one man and two women, none of them wearing much in the way of clothing besides red bandannas around their heads.

[397] One midnight, with the usual absence of ceremony, a street-Arab in a stiff hat and a variety of tattoos appeared and with an ingratiating leer handed over a grease-stained envelope.

[399] Howbeit, later that evening, the two shipmates, disguised in matching ensembles sportively checked in indigo and custard yellow, topped off with pearl-gray bowlers, were proceeding into the Tenderloin […]

[399] Rearranging a dicer the size of a washtub at a more authoritative angle […]

[400] Dey high-hats us uptown/ Dey low-balls us downtown ,/ We’re known all around town/ As Boids of d’ Night […]

[402] […] They found an elfin figure, whom Plug introduced as Dr. Zoot, in workingman’s fatigues, carpet-slippers, smoked goggles, and a peculiar helmet punctuated over its surface by not entirely familiar electrical fittings.

[410] […] where heads were cracked routinely by the stiff-hatted security of the night […]

[427] “You too, Girlies!” he called out amiably to a group of presentable young women, some with their hats off and their hair down, who were picnicking on the grass nearby.

[432] Last time Lindsay went in, back in Medicine Hat, Alberta, they had run some tests and aught signs of Incipient Gamomania, “That is, the abnormal desire to be married.”

[445] […] the real “Inspector Sands,” beleaguered, ever struggling to define and maintain a level of professional behavior, unaware of his drift into legend, soon enough aged beyond his years and sweated into a moodiness at home that could not but slop over onto the wife and kids, would find by midcareer no time even to take off his hat, hurrying as ever from one emergency to the next […]

[445] “In the shiny greent suit, and sort of gondolier’s hat, except for that… well it’s not a ribbon, is it–”
………“More of a feather, almost a plume, really– rather extreme wouldn’t you say?”

[446] […] vacuum failures and so forth by staff engineers in gray drill suits and darkly gleaming dicers.

[446] “No, no, don’t touch your cap, Bloggins I’m in duisguise, can’t you see […]”

[447] “I say it’s old Gaspereaux, what are you doing with that cheap grease-paint all over your face? Not to mention that beastly hat?”

[454] Not surprisingly, a higher-than-average number of these more spiritual-type programs were being run by charlatans and swindlers, often wearing turbans, robes, shoes with elongated toes that concealed a “gaff” of some sort, as well as strangely modified hats serving the same purpose […]

[465] Frank must have qualified, because the Rev caught sight of him right away and tipped his hat.

[466] Scabs were everyplace, wearing these peculair South Slavic knitted caps.

[469] […]Mayva was wearing a flower and a hat newer than any Frank had seen on her, and they’d been talking about Webb.

[476] Deuce sometimes felt like he had put his head into a very small room, one no bigger, in fact, than human head size, unechoing, close and still.

[478] […] as he imagined himself on out to some picturesquely windswept grave, head bowed, hat off […]

[478] “You just keep bein faithful to that Anarchist shithouse you grew up in,” and that was it, he was out the door, no courtly kiss, touch of the hat, back-soon-my-darlin, only the surprisingly careful latchclick behind him.

[493] Hatlessness was likewise important, as was being photographed, as often as possible and by any and all processes that might offer themselves.

[502] a line of young women in black, so silently that even their careful breathing might be heard, hatless, unrouged, hair swept up tightly and pinned so close to the head that they could be ambiguous boys …

[505] Emptied hacks line up four or five deep on the pier, the drivers in their shiny black plug hat waiting for the crowd to finish waving bon voyage …

[506] They walked together slowly round the promenade deck, arm in arm, nodding to passengers now and then whose plumed hats were agitated in the ocean breeze….

[506] The first wheelfolk of summer, in bright sweaters and caps and striped socks, went whirring gaily in battalion strength along the great viaduct in tandem bicycles….

[512] “He said I should look you up.”
[512] Tipping an invisible hat, “Guess you did.”

[513] He touched an imaginary hatbrim and was gone as quick as that.

[515] “You’re high-hatting me again,” Dally greeted him. Not “us Zombinins” — by now it was singular.

[524] Ladies in enormous hats, on the arms of Austro-Hungarian army officers in blue, scarlet, and gold, promenaded along the Riva with all the certitude of dream.

[528] “Let’s say we placed a bomb, out at the Hippodrome,” proposed Fatou, rouged, hatless, and wearing a skirt shorter than a circus girl’s, though everybody but Kit was pretending not to notice this.

[529] [Polycarpe] was the phalanx dandy, sporting, after the style of Monsieur Santos-Dumont, a Panama hat to the precise dishevelment of whose brim he devoted the kind of time other young men might to grooming their mustaches.

[530] “What a night!” exclaimed Pino. “Garde Civique all over the place.”
[512] “Top hats and green uniforms every time you turn around,” added Rocco.

[532] Black trousers, drover’s sombrero… black leather trousers, in fact glove leather […]

[532] Around her slender neck, the beauteous Asian was also wearing a furoshiki printed in a woodland motif of peacock blue, taupe, and Chinese red, folded in a triangle so as to make a cowgirl bandanna, and knocking back boiler-makers and their helpers at an astonishing pace.

[532] “Exactly,” She stood and looked up at him, more or less devastatingly, from under the brim of that cowgirl hat.

[536] Top hats brimmed with banknotes. Heads passing into slumber met baize surfaces in audible percussion.

[543] To the distant pulse of the sea, among the tall-hatted monitory shadows, he made his way back to the hotel to find his bedroll gone through […]

[544] [Pleiade Lafrisee] was in a pale violet peau de soie, and a hat so beguiling that Kit was only momentarily surprised to find himself with an erection. It was still early in the study of these matters, only a few brave pioneers like the Baron von Krafft-Ebing had dared peep into the strange and weirdly twilit country of hat-fetishism–not that Kit noticed stuff like that ordinarily, but it happened actually to be a gray toque of draped velvet, trimmed with antique guipure, and a tall ostrich plume dyed the same shade of violet as her dress….

[546] His hat had been knocked off and was sliding away on some pale semiliquid flow.

[556] It did not help in this assessment that [Umeki] was wearing that cowgirl hat of hers.

[574] Later for some reason it would be Bria that Dally remembered, slim, steady, waving her hat at full arm’s length, hair blown in a tangle, calling out, “Show’s on, ragazza. In bocc’al lupo.”

[575] She watched the American girls, breezing along the Riva without a care, so clean, starched, sunlit, and blithe, in their middy blouses and boating skirts and eyes luminous beneath the brims of straw hats, pretending to ignore the covetous gazes of naval officers, guides, and waiters, laughing and talking incessantly, and she wondered if she had ever stood a chance of becoming one of them.

[575] By now she was brown from the sun, lean and agile, hair cropped into a drift of curls short enough to fit under a red knit fisherman’s cap which also served for her night’s only pillow […]

[576] “Take off that cap, let’s have a look.” When she shook out her ringlets, “You’re a girl.”

[576] Despite Hunter’s young, almost adolescent face, what she could see of his hair was gray, nearly white, covered with a straw hat elegantly pinched and twisted out of it original shape Santos-Dumont style, suggesting at least some previous residence in Paris.

[577] “… it was so real, he was wearing whites and one of those antiquated caps, and knew my name, and began to instruct me in my duty […]”

[583] Dally saw this very self-possessed young lady, her hair up underneath a wide-brim Parisian hat, flicking seat off her upper lip and going “Porca miseria!” same as always.

[584] One day Hunter showed up in sunglasses, broad-brimmed straw hat, and fisherman’s smock. “Feeling like getting out on the water?”
…… “Let me borrow a hat and I’ll be right there.”

[589] […] Yashmeen Halfcourt continued to glide, though the Turkish smoke and beer-fumes, directly toward them, in her bearing a suggestion that she might, with or without a partner, begin to dance a polka. And that hat! Draped velvet toques had always been Kit’s undoing.

[595] They were trying to blend in, but certain telltale nuances –fur hats, huge unkempt beards, a tendency in the street to drop and begin dancing the kazatsky to music only they could hear– kept giving them away.

[599] Yashmeen, meanwhile, playful as Kit seldom saw her, kept snatching away Gunther’s dueling-society cap and pretending to throw it down the stairs.

[600] “You insult Geheimrat Hilbert now!”
…..“At least he’s got the right hat.”

[601] Early bathers came blinking by, wraithlike and curious. Students in dressing gowns, Tyrolean hats, colored spectacles, carpet slippers […]

[606] […]some of whom we already know, bad hats just from their facial types alone […]

[608] On his head, in some vivid shade of magenta, with gold Hebrew lettering embroidered on the front, perched what would have been a yarmulke except for its high crown, dented Trilby style fore and aft.

[609] After a quick consultation of Kelly’s Suburban Dictionary, Lew found his hat and was out the door. By the time he got to the railway station, evening was already gathering, along with a proper winter fog, which went on thickening, drops of water condensing on everyone’s hat, producing a shine that to certain nervous constitutions approached the sinister […] Lew entered a compartment, slouched in a seat, pulled his hatbrim over his eyes, the wheels were ponderously cranked and he was off for the remote and horrible town of Stuffed Edge.

[619] Kit looked, looked away, looked again. Except for the absence of a mustache, there, right in the middle of Gottingen, was the spit of Foley Walker. Hat and all.

[629] Kit tugged an invisible hat brim over his face.

[633] […] yes, here was Hilbert beyond a doubt, Panama hat on his head, somehow optically presented as three-dimensional and even more lifelike than a figure in a wax museum […]

[635] She wandered off as Gunther, his eyes gleaming in the shadow of his hatbrim, approached Kit with a look of deep, though not fathomless, discontent.

[642] Frank’s eyebrows descended briefly from the shadow of his hatbrim.

[644] Though not entirely tune to female emanations, Frank noticed now a sudden dip in the chitchat level as tables full of respectable wives and mothers, bundled in unstained white dresses, first turned and then incline their heads one to another to pass behind the brims of their pure white hats remarks on the apparition gliding toward Frank across the room.

[646] Frank scrutinized his hat band.

[647] Coat buttons were meantime being undone, hatbrims realigned for the angle of the sun, amid a noticeable drop-off in pedestrian traffic around the little group.

[647] Restless type. Fair hair, hat back on his head so the big brim sort of haloed his face, shiny eyes and low-set, pointed ears like an elf’s.

[648] Whereupon the sidekick was observed to take a hesitant step or two backward. Stray and Hatch over his hat crown exchanging a look.

[662] But as they moved southward and consonants began to grow blurry, presently there was much less to engage the rational mind–instead, everywhere, elf-grottoes, castles, set dramatically on pinnacles, to which there was no visible access, country people in dirndls and peculiar green hats […]

[662] At Riemann’s grave [Yashmeen] swept off her hat and stood with her head bowed, allowing the mountain wind to do as it wished with her hair.

[664] It would’ve taken Kit a minute anyway to recognize Reef–who this had to be–seeing that his brother had undergone some redesign, the hat being a high-crowned black Borsalino whose brim was Reef-modified to keep the rain off at least, the suit definitely not of American cut, his hair longer and strangely greased, his mustache gone.

[673] Reef oddly unsure of himself. He gazed resentfully at his hat. “Look at me. This hat. What am I doing here with these people?”

[673] In the dream they are all together a social party of some kind, it is unnamed but familiar high country, spruce and aspens, water running everywhere, creeks, ponds, fountains, more food than a church supper, cooks in those tall cooks’ hats carving and dishing out […]

[677] [Yashmeen] wore a simple waist and skirt, and a waterproof with a hood, and no hat.

[678] That evening the Strand, as if by some consensus, was exhibiting that sinister British craving for the dark and shiny so well known to experts in erotic neuropathy, not to mention students of the chimpanzee– crowds in mackintoshes, patent boots, and top hats, the soiled allure of marcasite brooches and earrings, pomaded temples struck to chill glitter in the public lighting…

[682] A small dance orchestra played, while couples experimented with the “Boston.” People in turbans and fezzes were observed.

[684] How civilized, how English he though he’d become, while the T.W.I.T., it was now becoming clear to him, had just gone on, with it mattering nary a bedbug’s ass if he wore a cowboy hat or a City bowler […]

[716] “They city police I could understand, but…” With such unstudied bewilderment in her voice that he had to step away, pretending to brush his hat, so as not to lunge into the obvious and counterproductive embrace this might, to another smitten youth, have called for in the circs.

[718] So amid the click of billiard balls and exquisite whores with tiny waists and huge darkened eyelids and lashes and sumptuously plumed hats, Yashmeen and Ratty shook hands across the moderate distance produced by a few years out of University, though Cyprian was pleased to see him semi-smitten and then embarrassed because of it. Not that Yash hadn’t gone out of her way today with an ensemble of beaded crepe lisse in some aethereal shade of violet, and a terribly smart hat whose plumage sent enchanting shadows across her face.

[721] Yashmeen and Cyprian paused before one of these, though which a lady in a black corset and matching aigrette, with a certain air of command about her, gazed back.

[726] The millionaire, rigged out in rubber hoses and brass helmet, was down inspecting a mural […]

[726] Up above in the boat, beneath a Stetson long in service, in the shade of whose brim his face could not be quickly read, Foley supervised the Italians working the air pump.

[726] Though the blue-green water he could see the gleam off the helmets and breastplates of the divers.

[728] […] who should come sauntering out of this little dive by the fish market but Mr. Go-away-you’re-too-young-for-shipboard-romance himself, yehp that Kit Traverse all right, same hat, same worried look, same potentially fateful baby blues.

[728] “For a while. Right now me and Reef here,” Reef smiling and tipping his hat, “have got some business in town, and then we’re off again.”

[729] […] damned if there wasn’t Reef Traverse again, accompanied this time by a slender blonde woman in one of those slanted feathery hats.

[730] They gathered round, as if this were one more Venetian sight they must take in, and all started twittering, except for Reef, who, patting his pockets as if having forgotten something, touched his hatbrim and disappeared back in the hotel.

[731] […] a dapper English individual named Derrick Theign who dropped by at least once a week with a gray morning hat in his hand […]

[733] Reef started in on his hatbrim, never a good omen.

[733] “Oh, now,” Reef put his hat back on and stood.

[742] Kit caught sight of Dally in the Principessa’s borrowed gown and a dark silk paletot, her incendiary hair done up in an ostrich-plume aigrette dyed indigo, sweeping in the gate and up the marble steps to the piano nobile […]

[743] Out of consideration for any late-arriving guests, one of the gunmen, using the boy’s hat, was trying sluice away some of the blood from the pavement with hatfuls of canal water.

[757] One day the note Uyghur troublemaker Al Mar-Fuad showed up in English hunting tweeds and a deerstalker cap turned sidewise, with a sort of ultimatum in which one might just detect that difficulty with the prevocalic r typical of the British upper class.

[764] Fine one to talk, given [Prance’s] own, one could say, regionally inappropriate appearance –pale, redheaded, eyes perhaps a bit too far apart, more reasonable-looking in a top hat and frock coat, and some setting a bit more urban.

[789] “Wait, I know him.” It turned out to be Fleetwood Vibe, in a broad-brim hat with a hatband of Siberian tiger skin.

[790] In the unhopeful light of evening arrival, from the bruise-colored shadows of Krasnoyarsk, invisible functionaries in fur hats and heavy greatcoats had watched the platforms […]

[794] The boys wore marching sable hats and wolfskin cloaks, purchased at the great February market in Irbit.

[801] The lapdog Moufette, whom Reef had always suspected of being a cat in disguise, had vomited in his Borsalino.

[803] […] Yashmeen did not immediately recognize her old Girton schoolmate Noellyn Fanshaw, grown less aethereal than the scholarly beauty of old, still hatless, her hair now drastically cropped […]

[812] In stays and a dark-plumed hat today, she seemed to stand a foot taller, and spoke in measured cadences which ran counter to the accelerated coffee-rhythms of Trieste.

[813] They met at the Caffee degli Specchi and she was all, it seemed defiantly, in white, from kid boots he must make an effort to keep from gazing at to her draped velvet hat and the white egret plume on it, though the years was darkening and taking on a chill, and the modish ladies in the Piazza Grande were giving her looks.

[816] […] and then of course it was gone again and she was more immediately concerned with the loss of her hat, flying away to join hundreds of others in migration to some more southerly climate, some tropical resort of hats where they could find weeks of hat dolce far niente to grown to new feathers, allow their color to return or find new shades, lie and dream about heads that Fate had meant them to adorn.

[822] Cyprian noticed a sprightly young creature scampering all round the ship in a translucent sailor-girl’s outfit of white lawn and lace, hatless, charming everybody in her path, including Cyprian, he supposed.

[823] “Dear me no Jacintha, that would be ‘brain food,’ wouldn’t it– and the school uniform featured these ever so excruciatingly tight pointed hats, which one must wear even –indeed, especially– while one slept […]

[827] Though wearing a Turkish fez whenever the situation demanded –in Bosnia the fez was like the veil, an emblem of submission, and wearing it one of the costs of doing business– Danilo Ashkil was descended from Sephardic Jews […]

[832] Danilo shrugged. “Here. You’d better wear these.” He handed Bevis and Cyprian each a fez. Cyprian’s was so small it had to be forced onto the back of his head with a sort of screwing motion, while Bevis’s kept falling over his eyes and ears. “Wait, then, we’ll switch fezzes.” Most strangely, this did not resolve the difficulty.
…. “Makes no sense,” Bevis muttered.
…. “It happens sometimes,” Danilo darkly, “but more in the old tales than in our present day. The head of an infidel betrays him by rejecting the fez. Perhaps you are both quite devout Christians?”
…. “Not especially,” Cyprian and Bevis protested at the same time.
…. “The fez knows,” said Danilo. “You cannot fool the fez.”

[834] Cyprian cupped an ear. “Is that yodeling I hear? Will the staff be wearing those, those hats? lederhosen? Actually, lederhosen in the present circs…”

[841] “What possible maiden’s prayer can you be thinking yourselves the answer to, with those ridiculous baggy trousers and headscarves….”

[846] “What you’ll do therefore is put on a fez–”
…. “No. No. I’m an Exarch”
…. “Danilo, explain to him.”
…. “You’ll put on a fez,” explained Danilo […]

[846] “Meanwhile,” Cyprian said, “you and I must exchange hats and coats. When I leave here, they’ll think I’m you.”

[847] “The Bulgarian? I worry about that one, I wonder if he’ll ever get that fez on his head.”

[856] Presently Yashmeen was crouching next to him, hatless […]

[857] “Buy you a gin fizz next time I see you,” Reef touching his hat.

[867] Cyprian rose and put on his hat with one of those music-hall flourishes.

[867] The Princess was nowhere to be seen at Ca’ Spongiatosta, but the Prince was in the entry before the valleto could even take Cyprian’s hat, cheerful and splendid in some shade of heliotrope hitherto unobserved upon the planet.

[868] Each Doge in his turn became more and more a sacrificial animal, his own freedoms taken, his life brought under an impossibly stringent code of conduct, taking comfort, while he wore the corno, in a resentful brutality […]

[869] [Yashmeen’s] hair was shorter and lighter, and she was expensively turned out in aubergine taffeta trimmed with silver brocade, elbow-length sleeves with three or four lace ruffles, capeskin gloves in a dark claret, lovely kid boots in the same shade, a hat with plumes also dyed to match and its brim raked to one side, one or two curls swinging roguishly as if disarranged in passion.

[886] “They always looked so worried. Some of em you couldn’t buy a smile. Sat there under their hatbrims, reachin down, drink up one longneck after another from the case we’d all chipped in on and brought aboard at the last trackside saloon we managed to stop at. Or two.”

[887] It was darker out here than he had any idea of. In the distance Reef caught sight of a procession of miners in their long rubber coats, only one of them, about halfway along, with the candle stub in his hat lit.

[888] Sometimes they could be seen out sauntering under the trees, Reef in sparest black, Borsalino brim shadowing his eyes, lean and attentive, Cyprian billowing in whites and pastels and extravagantly checked hunting caps, Yashmeen between them in a casino toilette of summer-weight crepe in palest lilac, and packing a parasol which she seemed to be using as an organ of discourse.

[893] […] the next thing Dally knew they were in a sinister sort of tea-room in Chelsea across the table from a voluptuous person in a Fedora and a velvet suit. Dally recognized the overgrown thumbnails of a sculptor.

[893] They had paused before a sentimental sort of military pieta, in which a life-size infantryman with a nearly unbearable sweetness to his face lay dying with his head in the lap of a hooded young woman […]

[894] Dally came close, peered beneath the hood.

[895] The job of riding herd on military souls — Dally couldn’t help seeing it from the Angel’s point of view. Maybe the hood had been there not to conceal but to protect, the way the shawl of a classic semeuse was sometimes drawn over her head for the sun–against something from above, potent yet deflectable, some radiance or unsuspected form of energy… God’s grace? –Why should the Angel of Death, acting as agent for God, need to be screened from grace? What other, unsuspected dark energy, then? What anti-grace?

[896] Ruperta, who despised church music, must have seen some irresistible opening for idle mischief, because she went along wearing a sportive toilette more appropriate to Brighton, with a hat she had always found particularly loathsome but kept hand for occasions such as this.

[897] Then, from the back room, emerged what was known in the business as a Well Set-Up Young Man, likewise unclothed except for a dark blue line-infantry helmet. “You know the position, Karl,” instructed Naunt.

[899] They begged for items of her intimate apparel to sew into their hats.

[899] Always, not exactly lurking, but obstinately staring from behind some Himalayan rhododendron or swiftly melting ice sculpture, never out of his habitual uniform of tropical white dittoes and Panama hat, persisted the figure of her newest faithful suitor Clive Crouchmas, into whose gravitational field Ruperta had been able to steer the girl with no more than a twitch of her cigarette.

[901] Today in fact [Lou Basnight]’d been lying beneath the Sun, hat down over his eyes, half snoozing or as some would have it meditating, from sunrise till hard overhead noon.

[905] Dally hailed a cab and was driven away, the detectives touched their hats and slid around the corner, the rain started up again […]

[907] “Well,” [Dally] adjusting her hat and turning to ascend the iron steps, “here I come, Constantinople.”

[908] […] her would-be abductors Imi and Erno had fallen under the impression, as they boarded the Orient Express at Szeged and made their way, stealthy as operetta pirates, both wearing peculiar black Central European Trilby hats, toward Dally’s compartment, that this was to be the kidnapping of a Zaharoff girl […]

[909] Kit made out a young woman ina smart traveling ensemble, sunlight streaming in the train window behind her, lighting up her hatless hair.

[915] The first act closed with young Bela Blasko, playing the Burgher King, wearing a silk hat at a rakish angle and twirling a cane […]

[921] Next day she showed up again, and it took Frank about a minute to identify her new companion, owing to a beard and a growth of hair his sombrero was having trouble staying on top of.

[932] […] Cyprian, after a moment of blankness, was amazed to discover who but old Rayy McHugh, with a beard, apparently his own, sandals, and a local goat-herder’s cap.

[932] “Do you need any help meanwhile getting your eyebrows down out of your hat?”

[947] “Why, it’s ‘Gabrovo Slim.’ But as I recall, about all I did was try to find you a fez that would fit properly.”

[948] Who could know, finding them in any of these hill towns, climbing, descending, never a step in front of another you’d call level, thinking only when they must about the next meal, their faces shadowed by hatbrims of woven straw, taken from the flanks or beneath by sunlight off the ancient paving-stones or sun-battered earth too often into areas of angelic implication – what were they doing out here this late in history?

[973] It would be his granddaughter who spotted him first, having recognized the horse, who like the other horses here wore a straw hat with holes for his ears to poke through.

[981] Mayva brought out the baby tintypes, Reef in a christening dress, maybe a sailor hat, all that usual decking-out, for he was a sweet baby, his mother said […]

[987] Gunther laughed and waved his stein to and fro, splashing foam on Frank’s hat. “Of course, as a northamerican you must be nostalgic for the days of slavery […]

[996] The door opened, and a young woman in one of those dark velvet chapeaux that were showing up all over town put her head in. “Hi Honey, are you —Aaahh! You!”

[998] In the distance, riders whose hats, dusters, and mounts blended with the terrain would now and then appear, proceeding at top speed across the treeless plain, each headed in a slightly different direction, the less thoughtful wearing dark clothes that stood out against the ashen country […]

[1003] “Well, there’s something to think about.” Frank pulled his hatbrim lower and thought about it. “That mean Vibe’s in town, too?”

[1013] He’d just stepped outside to piss when who should he catch sight of but a face out of the past, a humorless customer trotting down the hillside in militia uniform, narrow-brim hat, leggings and campaign shirt, with a high forehead, lidless long eyes and mouth in a slit, a lizard’s face. Not a nickel’s worth of mercy.

[1014] “Where’d he get to?” Stray gathering up a pistol and some ammunition, looking around for her hat.

[1020] He quickly rigged himself and the Commander into the strange futuristic arrangements of helmets, lenses, air-tanks and electrical power-supplies, allowing both aeronaughts to ascertain that the ship was indeed about to crash […]

[1034] Chick gazed with great scientific curiosity at the shimmering image which appeared on a screen across the room from the spinning disk, as what looked like a tall monkey in a sailor hat with the brim turned down fell out of a palm tree onto a cery surprised older man – the skipper of some nautical vessel to judge by the hat he was wearing.

[1040] […] knowing how to descend a stairway highheeled into a hotel ballroom without tripping, though sometime for fun the madcap Mezzanine liked to do just that […]

[1042] Chester Lestreet had on a luminous gray worst suit, shirt and display handkerchief in the same vivd shade of fuchsia, ice-cream-colored Homburg hat, hand-painted necktie. Lew, who had had holes in his socks since the weekend, looked around for his sandals and slipped them on.

[1043] The small chifferobe held only a couple of hairpins and a price tag from the hat department at Capwell’s.

[1051] Maybe he ought to’ve turned and ankled it, but instead he took his hat off all the way and inquired, “This the house that’s for rent?”

[1057] It was a gathering impossible at first to read, even for an old L.A. hand like Lew –society ladies in flapper-rejected outfits from Hamburgers basement, real flappers in extras’ costumes– Hebrew headdresses, belly-dancing outfits, bare feet and sandals, in from shooting some biblical extravaganza […]

[1058] In the center of the turbulence was an elderly gent with a snow-white beard and great snarled eyebrows under a wide-brim black hat he had never been seen to take off anyone in the room. The light rested on him in an unaccustomed way, as if he were somewhere else, lending his image to the gathering. He reminded Lew of the Tarot card of the hermit with the lantern, an ancient wise-man personage who from time to time had stood near the path Lew though his life was taking, stood and gazed, and so spooked Lew that he’d done all he could to avoid even a friendly hello.

[1061] Merle looked up from the controls, touched an invisible hatbrim.

[1072] One day there were children calling up from the street. Dally went to the window. A beautiful woman in a prewar hat stood down there holding the hand of a little girl aobut five, and with them seemed to be Kit’s damn old rogue of a brother Reef, whom she’d last seen stomping his way out of Venice.